Our Classroom Website


You have been enrolled in the Leadership through Technology class (LTC). You will have me, Mrs. Smith, for the next 9 weeks. We will be covering a wide variety of topics/assignments. You will use a matrix to help you keep track of where you are and what you need to do by when to learn everything you need to learn and to earn the grades that goes with your learning.



During this class we will cover a variety of activities. You will have a matrix to follow which lists the assignments for each part of the class. We use the technology standards provided by Fresno Unified as the basis for our Leadership Through Technology class.

All matrices will also be online in case you forget yours at home. If you have lost your current matrix, just see the supply table for extra copies. If you are sure to file your matrix in the class files daily you shouldn't lose it.


If you are not keeping up and do not complete all of the matrices, you will receive a grade of "INCOMPLETE" (INC) and will be required to come in and see me either before school or at lunch to work on completing the work to receive a passing grade on your report card.